Tuesday 15 February 2011

please stop breathing

ok, i love this song

but OMG! listen to his breathing!!!!! It's so annoying!!!!! D:

just thought i'd share this with you ^_^ i hope im not the only one who finds this annoying D:

en plus, Mario bent my friggin comic -.- *deathstare*

Monday 14 February 2011

roses are red, violets are...violet

I saw someone with a massive bunch of red roses earlier. It was disgusting.

Any other day of the year, seeing someone with a bunch of red roses, obviously intended for the person for whom they mistake lust for love, would be a lovely occurrence. But today, on the 14th of February, it becomes merely a shallow gesture of conformism and shameless consumerism.

There are many reasons why I dislike Valentines day. I will list them. if you don't care...tough. Stop reading.

1) I don't believe in love *raw cynicism*. I believe in affection, but I don't think it lasts. Nothing in the animal kingdom mates for life. Not monkeys, not elephants, not even penguins, whatever you've heard (they mate for a few seasons at a time, but not for life). It doesn't work. We are creatures with a very low capacity for concentration, so we easily get bored of our partners. Every living creature is programmed to find a mate, but not for love. For sex. For reproduction. That is our purpose. LOTS AND LOTS OF SEX! (and unfortunately, babies :/)
2) If you 'love' someone, you shouldn't only show it on one day. End of.
3) What once was a simple celebration to appreciate your partner, has now, in the 20th/21st century, become an occasion fuelled by consumerism and society's expectations. You HAVE to buy a gift for your ...whatever...you HAVE to go to dinner...etc. I think if I ever have a boyfriend on Valentines day, I will purposefully ignore him from midnight to midnight. Just to make a point.
4) I knew someone in France called Valentine. I didn't like him very much. He was a bit of a dick.

And no. I'm not being all cynical and prune-y because I don't have a valentine, and am therefore wallowing in my pitiful existence with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and 'Titanic'.
I just really don't care.

Besides...I don't like Ben and Jerry's.

PS. I made an effort to use big intellectual words in the post, so it looked like my points were more valid. I hope it didn't go unnoticed.

Thursday 10 February 2011

the dress is finito

:D I've finished my dress for Elodies party. and by that, i mean, my mother did it for me XD my contribution was..'i think id like red with white spots...'

But other than my obvious lack of effort, it came out pretty well :P To justify myself, mother never seemed to want any help...and it was pretty simple...

Now I need to work out make-up...whats 50s make up like?? :/ ummm... *pulls out grease*

I can see this going terribly wrong....

Wednesday 9 February 2011


So, I might be going to Australia at the end of the year XD
Only for a month though. My mother's friend's son lives over there and he runs this scheme for students to go and stay at his ranch for a month and work there :) earning their keep as it were :D
I really want to do it :)

Just thought I'd update you on that XD

and give you this : tis a very good song, but it makes me sleepy ^_^

also, the first comment is : 'if anne hathaway and kiera knightly had a daughter' AND I CAN SO SEE IT!!! o_o