Wednesday 2 March 2011

Inconsequential Musings

My my, it seems like a terribly long time since I've written one of these :/

And now, I don't really have anything interesting to write about. I was ready to write one of these yesterday evening, about jobs and job-finding and such, but it was too late so I went to bed. And now, I'm just not quite depressed enough :P Or angry enough.

Because normally I need to be in one of those 2 states to be able to write bloggish things :) I find the most entertaining form of blog is a rant, so I try to do those, but I'm feeling uncharacteristically mellow this evening, listening to a bit of Daniel Powter :)

While we're on the subject of music, may I recommend something? - of course I can, this is my blog, I can do what I want, it's a dictatorship :)

Please ignore the pinkness of it all.

Ooh ooh, The Lion King soundtrack just came on :) (8) HAKUNA MATATA!!!! (8)

Time for sleeps now, sorry this was so pointless :D


OK no, I want to rant now. >:(

PLASTICS. And I'm talking about the 'Means Girls' plastics. The horrendously, gruesomeness, offensively fake girls, who prance around with fake hair and fake eyes and orange skin. Etc.
Girls like Alice Chater.


I try not to name names, but she'll never see this, and if she does, I really don't care, I'm pretty sure she knows I hate her *innocent face*.
She posted videos of herself singing on YouTube. They've been deleted now :P
I don't deny that she can sing. She can. In a screechy, Mariah Carey kind of way.
I hate Mariah Carey.

And I don't know if she can act, but by the amount of clothing she wears, I'd say she didn't get where she is today on talent alone.
*unsheaths claws* :P
And what makes it worse? Is that she IS somewhere today. She does modelling, she's recording a CD, she has a VERY rich boyfriend (who admittedly fake tans, but it still nice to be bought stuff :P).

I really hope she is rejected by any kind of successful venture and ends up working as a secretary in some dingy accountants office, with no boyfriend and no friends.

I can hope.

I sound really jealous don't I? I probably am. But for the record, I deny it! :D

I also sound like an absolute bitch :/
Meet the real me >:)

Nah I'm kidding :) I'm nice really :)

Sort of.

Peace out. *does peace sign in a gangsta way*

Tuesday 15 February 2011

please stop breathing

ok, i love this song

but OMG! listen to his breathing!!!!! It's so annoying!!!!! D:

just thought i'd share this with you ^_^ i hope im not the only one who finds this annoying D:

en plus, Mario bent my friggin comic -.- *deathstare*

Monday 14 February 2011

roses are red, violets are...violet

I saw someone with a massive bunch of red roses earlier. It was disgusting.

Any other day of the year, seeing someone with a bunch of red roses, obviously intended for the person for whom they mistake lust for love, would be a lovely occurrence. But today, on the 14th of February, it becomes merely a shallow gesture of conformism and shameless consumerism.

There are many reasons why I dislike Valentines day. I will list them. if you don't care...tough. Stop reading.

1) I don't believe in love *raw cynicism*. I believe in affection, but I don't think it lasts. Nothing in the animal kingdom mates for life. Not monkeys, not elephants, not even penguins, whatever you've heard (they mate for a few seasons at a time, but not for life). It doesn't work. We are creatures with a very low capacity for concentration, so we easily get bored of our partners. Every living creature is programmed to find a mate, but not for love. For sex. For reproduction. That is our purpose. LOTS AND LOTS OF SEX! (and unfortunately, babies :/)
2) If you 'love' someone, you shouldn't only show it on one day. End of.
3) What once was a simple celebration to appreciate your partner, has now, in the 20th/21st century, become an occasion fuelled by consumerism and society's expectations. You HAVE to buy a gift for your HAVE to go to dinner...etc. I think if I ever have a boyfriend on Valentines day, I will purposefully ignore him from midnight to midnight. Just to make a point.
4) I knew someone in France called Valentine. I didn't like him very much. He was a bit of a dick.

And no. I'm not being all cynical and prune-y because I don't have a valentine, and am therefore wallowing in my pitiful existence with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and 'Titanic'.
I just really don't care.

Besides...I don't like Ben and Jerry's.

PS. I made an effort to use big intellectual words in the post, so it looked like my points were more valid. I hope it didn't go unnoticed.

Thursday 10 February 2011

the dress is finito

:D I've finished my dress for Elodies party. and by that, i mean, my mother did it for me XD my contribution was..'i think id like red with white spots...'

But other than my obvious lack of effort, it came out pretty well :P To justify myself, mother never seemed to want any help...and it was pretty simple...

Now I need to work out make-up...whats 50s make up like?? :/ ummm... *pulls out grease*

I can see this going terribly wrong....

Wednesday 9 February 2011


So, I might be going to Australia at the end of the year XD
Only for a month though. My mother's friend's son lives over there and he runs this scheme for students to go and stay at his ranch for a month and work there :) earning their keep as it were :D
I really want to do it :)

Just thought I'd update you on that XD

and give you this : tis a very good song, but it makes me sleepy ^_^

also, the first comment is : 'if anne hathaway and kiera knightly had a daughter' AND I CAN SO SEE IT!!! o_o

Friday 14 January 2011


OK, so, given my frustratable and quite frankly intolerant personality, i took it upon myself to watch probably the worst programme a person like me could watch: Most Annoying People 2010.

Yeah i know...big mistake...

Oh and guess who was on it?!?! The Smiths. No not the band. The family. As in Will Smith. Married to Jade Smith. With children, creatively named WILLow and JADEn. Yeah.


(I thought I'd skip it, because, if you're reading this, no doubt you've already heard it.)

On a happier note, I watched a programme about pirates afterwards!!! :OOOOO I know!!! PIRATES!!! Twas exceedingly interesting, and I have decided what i want to do when I grow up :P


Recommendation: (these seem to be becoming a regular thing :P maybe I should start doing reviews...*looks pensive*

not only is it hilarious, but IT HAS REGULAR COMIC BOOK REFERENCES!!! Although, I only pick up on the Marvel references. DC is entirely inferior. I dont get the star trek references either....

PS. NEW ICON!!!! from a picture I took when I got my PURPLE HAIR!!!
for some reason i always sound much more excitable when I write these than in real life....

Friday 7 January 2011


I just can't not write about this, I'm so annoyed!
And I bet you thought I was started the new year on a high note.
Well no.
I'm just too pissed off.


Until tonight, I had the happy fortune to have never heard of him before. But he seems to have been rather busy on Twitter lately.


And by dickhead, I mean, he's well on his way to becoming my most hated person. And that's saying something.
He's disgusting.
But instead of merely hurling abuse at him, I should probably tell you why I want to hurl abuse at him.

Basically, dear old Kenny is running a campaign that 'to be skinny is to be perfect & to be fat is unacceptable'.
He's encouraging people to use his Size Zero Pills, to become what he believe's is perfection: size zero.
He says 'managing anorexia is a lifestyle.'
Managing anorexia is AN ILLNESS!!!! A MENTAL. FUCKING. ILLNESS.

How can this guy even live with himself?!?!?!


I'm sorry Joe, I know you were happy that I had written a happy post, but...just...ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm surprised my keyboard survived this rant...

2011 - Oh! What A Week! (8)

\\between two lungs it was released//\\the breath that passed from you to me//
\\louder than sirens, louder than bells//\\sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell//

nice little bit o' Florence

It's the 7th of January 2011 and we are 1 week into the new year! A perfect time to see how it's going so far :)

New Year's eve was very fun, and New Years, when I spent most of the day watching Grace's parents take down their tree. I went bowling for the first time in probably 10 years (and lost, obviously) and then on the 5th it was back to school. And I'm already bored of it. And tired. *sad face* But it's nice to be able to see everyone everyday, I just wish I didn't have to do work while I was there. *is very lazy*
And that's where the happiness ends :(
To be fair, it's only Critical Thinking, but it still counts!
so that's one I can add to my fail list.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful first week of 2011, and I hope you all have a wonderful second week XD

Have a recommendation ^_^
Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope.

Noodles x

Thursday 6 January 2011

Resolutions and Reminiscing

I have given in to peer pressure and am writing a blog post. My first in 3 months (and a day) as someone delighted in telling me today.
So hello!
It's very nice to see you and I hope you be having a wonderful New Year.

This is normally the time of year when people look back on the the year before, reminiscing and such, and then make resolutions for the coming year, usually to do with weight and personal improvement.

I do not do either of these things.

I do not reminisce. Its not a principled thing, I just do really ever do it. I've moved around a lot in my life, and it always tends to have been around about the summer, so the new year has never really had much significance for me. My birthday is also in the summer. And school starts and finishes in the summer. New starts happen in the summer. End of.
But this year I thought I might try it. I thought 'hmm 2010 has been a very good year. I should look back on it with joy and wonder and appreciate all the good things i have been blessed with *happy face*'


then i heard myself.

what absolute cheesey shit.

And then of course everyone else started doing it. Facebook was full of it, Twitter was full of it, everyone i saw was like 'Happy New Year *overly cheery face*.

I felt like smashing something.

*is grumpy*

So that decided me, once and for all, that reminiscing is not for me.

So then I started looking forward, and thinking about news years resolutions. Resolutions are interesting things. You can tell a lot about someone by them. Because the best way to find out about someone, is to find out who they are striving to be. (I sound cheesey :/ I'll stop)

Anyway. I'm terrible at resolutions because i have no will power.
So instead, I have decided to 1) try to have more willpower and stick at stuff and 2) to start doing things that i've always wanted to do (e.g. martial arts).

But we both know that neither of those will happen.
*negative vibes*

I will leave you with this out-of-date christmas video. it's cute. Watch it.