Friday 7 January 2011

2011 - Oh! What A Week! (8)

\\between two lungs it was released//\\the breath that passed from you to me//
\\louder than sirens, louder than bells//\\sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell//

nice little bit o' Florence

It's the 7th of January 2011 and we are 1 week into the new year! A perfect time to see how it's going so far :)

New Year's eve was very fun, and New Years, when I spent most of the day watching Grace's parents take down their tree. I went bowling for the first time in probably 10 years (and lost, obviously) and then on the 5th it was back to school. And I'm already bored of it. And tired. *sad face* But it's nice to be able to see everyone everyday, I just wish I didn't have to do work while I was there. *is very lazy*
And that's where the happiness ends :(
To be fair, it's only Critical Thinking, but it still counts!
so that's one I can add to my fail list.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful first week of 2011, and I hope you all have a wonderful second week XD

Have a recommendation ^_^
Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope.

Noodles x


  1. Twice i wrote a reply on your not-so-cheery post the other day but both times i closed the webpage before submitting, cos im an idiot :P
    but what a lovely contrast this is! :)
    how many exams do you have???
    and nice recommendation (Y) not keen on the guy's surname though ;) x

  2. dos examenes. :D well, one now cos crit is finito.
    you are a fail joseph dear :P
