Wednesday 8 September 2010


So. I was watching this :

and this was posted as a video response:

Now, I don't know what relevance this has to nerimon's video. All I know is that it made me VERY annoyed!

It mention's the 'common sense' of contraception, the 'right' to abortion, and the 'equality' of homosexual relationships.

At first glance, this seems like innocent ignorance. This person has led a sheltered life, probably reads the bible before they go to bed...but it goes so much deeper than that! Millions of people across the globe believe this. They believe that common sense is not only useless, but an affront to nature, that human rights are irrelevant, and that equality is something reserved for career driven atheists 'in no hurry to commit'.

This is a comment posted on the video (One that I unfortunately gave in to replying to) : 'The Bible doesn'thave flying lizard ppl. It has hard core facts that havebeen proven over and over and over again. There are plenty of eye witness testimony, and not to mention the ancient cencus records.'

Key words being 'hard core facts', 'proven', 'eye witness testimony' and 'ancient census records'. If any has access to any of these, please let me know. However I sincerely doubt that you do.

I'm unreasonably angry right now.

Now, I'm not religious. At all. I reserve my belief for something that I find plausible and inspiring. However, I will never find those in Christianity. Actually no, I will never find that in Catholicism. And it's not even the basic beliefs that I have an issue with. It's the people. Having faith in something is not a bad thing. Having blind faith in something, however, most definitely is. If you can't see the faults in something, how can you ever come to truly understanding something, or in fact, someone? Most Catholics have blind faith in God, and in their leaders. Leaders that encourage people that are impoverished and poor to give money to the church, so that the ceiling of the Vatican can be coated in gold leaf and turquoise, while people die of malnutrition because they gave what little money they had to their church. Which spends it on child porn. But that's a whole other rant, which I'll put aside for myself sometime ^^

I just wanted to let off some steam :)

Now I shall return to being the less than eloquent teenager that I usually am :)

Bysie bye x

P.s. If you're reading this, PLEASE reply. I'd love to know you're opinions :)

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