Thursday 16 September 2010


*Uncharacteristically cheery tone* So, hey guys! I haven't written a blog in a while! I've been trying to avoid it because I know that it'll end up like this:

'Heads up! The catholics are coming! AND THEY WANT YOUR BLOOD!! Hide your children and get out your pitchforks!!'

And don't you spellcheck me on how to spell catholics Mr. Internet! I refuse to give catholics a capital! It simply doesn't deserve one!!!

Apart from the obvious comments about that cardinal chap that called jolly old England a third world country, and that he compares Atheism to Nazism (when he himself, and the Pope, were both in Hitler Youth) I really have nothing of any intellectual value to say on the subject of the Pope's visit (other than they're both massive dicks!).
Luckily for you, most of my anger has already been vented on this subject, so if you are as equally irritated by this as my, here's a little something to cheer you up :!

:D Hope you enjoyed that.
I did.

Hold up! I just found out that not only is this rape-condoning bastard visiting our country, while his mates spew out racial hatred, but we're footing the f*cking bill!!! (sorry about the language) And I say we in the general sense, as I don't pay taxes yet :P. But the principle is the same. To grant the pope a 'state visit' which means it's paid for by the government, and therefore, the taxpayers, is absolutely outrageous! There are hundreds of people in this country that have had their lives ruined by what priests in his order have done, but we have to pay for him to come here and rub it in their faces! Now, I'm not blaming the Pope for raping those people. It wasn't him (apparently), he wasn't Pope at the time and can't be held accountable for it.


He was in charge of punishing those responsible and what did he do?!?!? He told them to pray. Pray for their victims. LIKE THAT'S GONNA DO ANY F*CKING GOOD!! 'Yeah I had my whole life ruined by my priest raping me. Yeah yeah, it scarred me for life. I lost all faith in god. But it's OK now, cause he's prayed for me :D' In no branch of society would this be acceptable! Certainly not in government! Imagine if your local MP was found guilty of raping a child. How long would he keep his job? And (hopefully) how long would he spend in jail? But, if their catholics, IT'S FINE!! Just say sorry!
And not only was their 'punishment' laughable, but they spent years covering it up! They knew about it!!!!! And they did not do a thing to stop it!

Right. Anger vented.


Anna x

P.s. This is mainly for Nicola :


  1. When i heard on the news that taxpayers were paying for his visit i was annoyed >( so annoyed i was gonna blog about it, in fact i might still do, grrrrrr... and what is that HIDEOUS vehicle he goes around in??? pfft.

  2. I KNOW!! its disgusting! its like a massive golf cart!! he has no class :P
