Sunday 26 September 2010

TB (A Terrible Disease)


Tony Blair has a book out.

Oh come on! You all knew this was coming! You just didn't know when I'd snap!

I was on, peacefully minding my own business, browsing through the works of various esteemed intellectuals such as Stephen Hawking (who is actually a really good writer, with a very good sense of humour) and Stephen Fry (OK, you got me! I just searched the name Stephen :P) and what popped up in the recommendations? Yep you guessed it!: A beginners guide to Kama Sutra.

Not really. Although as we all know, Tony Blair and his toad of a wife don't need any of that to get it on! All they need is a Royal invitation! Honestly, he has no shame. I almost pity Gordon Brown for having to put up with him.


Now, I can't pass judgement on it, because I've never read it, and I never plan to, and according to my own principles, I can't pass judgement on it :/
Then again, principles don't really apply for Tony Blair do they?...


If you managed to decipher that, you get a cookie.
In fact, if you even attempted it, you get a cookie.

Ventage over, have a nice day.

A x

1 comment:

  1. firstly, LOL.

    Actually I found it a gripping read, seriously - once you pick that book up you won't put it down until you've finished! Ok before you have time to think any worse of me let me assure you that I have not even touched his book let alone read it and i have no plans to ever waste my time with it, it was 100% a joke I guarantee! ;)

    anyways can i have a cookie now please??!!?! xD

    and earlier i thought the video said nurse! i can hear it better now and it doesn't :P but damn if only i had 4 million dolars :S poor cat, he needs to be de-fleed now!
