Saturday 11 September 2010


Crap! I was all worked up just now! Had something really good to write about. And in the time it took me to press 'New Post' it disappeared...

As a side note, a spitfire is currently circling my house. I don't know what I've done, but apparently it merits sending out military aircraft...

Aha! I remember what it was!!! You know the security things that come up that tell you to write the letters you see in the box below? What are they called?

Anyway...WHY CAN'T THEY USE REAL WORDS?!?! The last one I did said 'ennesses'. WHAT IS THAT?!?! If you're going to force me to waste my life typing useless words into a useless box, at least make it something worth my time!!! A Sartre quote, an extract of French poetry, anything! At least then I may learn something while wasting my energy trying to work out what the meaningless scrawling in front of me says!! You never know, I could be inspired by a line of a John Lennon song and go on to become a philosopher or a resistance leader! BUT NO. You make me write ennesses. This will screw with my future, and ultimately I will blame you for my inevitable failures later in life.

Anna x


  1. ennesses... save that one for scrabble or countdown xD
    its called CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart :P

  2. grrr >( i just had to type 'diatibl' to write that comment... you can turn it off you know!
    god knows what i'll have to put for this??..

  3. Settings > Comments > 'Show word verification for comments' and select 'no' :) does that make sense?

  4. yay thankyou ^^ its switched off now :)
